Index & Fixed Income Futures Statistics

Quantitative research for Index Derivatives

Our Research enables

Product Specific Risk Management

Improve your risk management by incorporating the product characteristics. Use stats on the 1 minute rotations to help with stop placement. Incorporating the statistics in your risk management enables better risk adjusted position sizing.


Smarter Targets

Our stats verify against prior day levels (VPOC, VAH/VAL, High/Low), given a specific opening scenario. This enables you to pick smarter targets.  Incorporate the different intra-day ranges, like Initial Balance, Range extensions into realistic target selection.


Market Context Awareness

Statistics will increase your Market Context awareness. You will have a better understanding of what is likely to happen, given a certain scenario. It sets you up for the Probabilistic mindset, crucial for any Trader.

Statistics are not...

A Guarantee

Inherently, stats are based on past performance and markets change all the time. Stats show the general trend for what is likely to happen, but that doesn’t mean it can’t hit the low probability repeatedly. This doesn’t negate that the stat considered over a larger sample size is still correct.

Trading Setups

Stand-alone, the statistics are not trading setups. However, your analysis of the statistics will most likely provide trading setup ideas.

A "get-rich-quick" scheme

Statistics require interpretation and analysis for them to be useful. If you’re looking for a quick fix, this isn’t it.